Auction Closed
January 17, 2025

15% Buyers Commission added to all lots.

Conditions of Sale
Mail Sales and Public Auctions - 15% Commission added to all lots

1. All lots will be sold to the highest bidder, at a slight advance over the second highest bid. In sending bids, state the highest price you are prepared to pay; your limit will not be used unless absolutely necessary.

2. Bids are to be as per lots numbered in the catalogue and in even dollar amounts. SHP reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale closing, and/or reject unreasonable bids.

3. All Lots are guaranteed genuine. Should any lot be proved otherwise by a competent authority, such as the Philatelic Foundation, PSE or APS, SHP will reimburse purchaser for the cost of the item and certificate. Items with certificates up to five years from date of sale are ineligible for re-certification. SHP must be notified within 10 days of receipt of item of intent to obtain certificate. SHP is liable for certificate cost up to $100 only; lots must be paid for in advance.

4. Lots are Not Returnable for the following reasons:

  1. Lot contains 10 or more items
  2. Lots were viewed by Purchaser or Agent
  3. Lots described as having defects or faults or 'as is'
  4. Lots photographed are not returnable for reason of centering, perforations, or cancels
  5. Lots bid on incorrectly, due to bidder error.
  6. Lots returned after 10 days of receipt for any reason.
Bidders not complying with these conditions will be considered in default (see para. 6)

5. Bids should be placed according to the following increments:
Up to $50$2.00
$50 to $200$5.00
$200 to $400$10.00
$400 to $750$25.00
$750 to $1500$50.00

Over $1500 auctioneers option or $100.00.  Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the appropriate level.

IMPORTANT: Bids for either-or lots will be accepted ONLY with the understanding that only one bid will be posted to the lot which would have the best chance of winning at the time.

6. All Lots Payable Prior to Shipment, unless party is known to us, in which case material will be shipped, and payment is expected within 10 days of receipt. Payment by cash, check, money order, drawn from a United States bank in U.S. dollars. Credit cards accepted are VISA, MASTERCARD, and DISCOVER only. Invoice will include charge for postage and/or insurance, registration if required, plus 15% buyer's commission for mail sales. Texas state sales tax will be added where appropriate. Successful bidders must pay for lots within 10 days of receipt unless prior arrangements have been made. Unpaid for lots remain the property of SHP and in event of default by purchaser, will be resold with any loss arising being the responsibility of defaulter. Any account more than 30 days in arrears subject to 1 1/2% per month late fee. Should legal action be required, defaulting purchaser is responsible for all such charges incurred.

7. Catalogue Values and Numbers are from the latest edition of Scott Catalogue. Estimates of the actual value may be more or less than catalog, and are located in the far right hand column. Scott provides a Supplemental Value Catalog listing values for grades above and below very fine. In cases of PSE expert graded stamps with certificates, the appropriate Scott SCV or PSE SMQ value for that grade is listed. The catalog value is indicated by "Cat" at the end of each lot descruption. Sam Houston Duck Company's list has been used for catalog numbers and estimates of duck stamps, except for those with graded certificates as covered above. Other specialty catalogs used for otherwise unlisted issues are J.R. Wooten, H. Richoux, and D. Torre. Values provided are for bidder guidance, and actual realizations may vary.

8. Telephone Bids are acceptable, but must be confirmed in writing. Due to time constraints in taking lengthy bids over the phone, we prefer bids to be mailed in, with last minute bids and changes by phone. However, should a phone bid be necessary, we will be happy to cooperate.

9. Mint Stamps have Original Gum (OG) unless stated otherwise. Stamps listed as Unused will be without gum. See symbols and abbreviations page for additional information. Never hinged (NH) stamps will be listed as such.

10. Cover Lots - When described, postal markings are graded by comparison to the illustrations in the American Stampless Cover Catalogue. Evidence of aging is to be expected on older material, especially stampless covers. Light toning, file folds and edge foxing are the rule rather than the exception, and lots are not returnable for these minor reasons. We do try to mention these characteristics in any event. More serious faults, such as major tears, missing flaps, or stains will be described specifically.

11. Placing of a bid constitutes acceptance of the conditions of sale. Bidding is a privilege...and a contract. Review your bids carefully to avoid error. Lots are not returnable due to bidder error.

12. IMPORTANT: Bids for either-or lots will be accepted ONLY with the understanding that only one bid will be posted to the lot which would have the best chance of winning at the time.

RITA DUMAINE, Vice President / Auctioneer # 14049



14780 Memorial Rd. #110 Houston, Texas 77079
281-493-6386 or FAX YOUR BID 281-496-1445 or email
This firm complies with A.S.D.A
Qualified Public Auctioneer Code of Ethics


Avg. Average, perfs touch VF Very Fine
Fine perfs clear XF Extremely Fine
F-VF Fine to Very Fine SUP Superb


*Mint Hinged¤Used
**Mint Never Hinged//Incomplete Set
(*)Unused-no gumMint and Used




addraddressed lt/lgtlight
adhradherence mgnmargin
advadvertising msmanuscript cancel
ALSautograph letter signed nat'lnatural
apprappears/appearance NGno gum
APSAmerican Philatelic Society ngaino gum as issued
avgaverage ngbnatural gum bend
B/Btmbottom ngcnatural gum crease
bkltbooklet ngsnatural gum skip
blkblock/black npinatural paper inclusion
b/sbackstamped NHnever hinged
cclcancel omobowner's mark on back
ccrcorner crease OGoriginal gum
c/ccorner card PBplate block
cdscircular date stamp PFCPhilatelic Foundation Certificate
certcertificate PGpartial gum
cnrcorner PHphotograph
cntr'd/'gcenter/centering plplate
commemcommemorative pnbpencil notation on back
condcondition PNSplate number single
crcrease posposition
cvcatalog value prpair
cvrcover PSEProfessional Stamp Experts
dbldouble Rright
dcdouble circle RGregummed
defindefinitive rpfreperforated
DGdisturbed gum sbasigned by artist
diagdiagonal SBStarting Bid
dlcdouble line circle SCVScott Catalog Value
dlo/dodouble line oval/oval SEstraight edge
docdocument selvselvage
DSdocument signed sepseparation
ECVestimated catalog value SFLstampless folded letter
envenvelope sglsingle
exexample sigsignature
fffile fold SLstraight line
FLfolded letter smsmall
fltfault SONsocked on the nose ccl
fogfingerprint on gum spshort perforation
HHRheavy hinge remnant S.P.signed photo
horzhorizontal S/Ssouvenir sheet
HRhinge remnant stnstain
H/hvyheavy Ttop
HShand stamped ththin/thinned
IBCInside Back Cover th'd/'gtoned/toning
IFCInside Front Cover TLStyped letter signed
imptimprint trtear/torn
inclincluding UL/URupper left/upper right
Lleft varvariety
LHlightly hinged vertvert
LL/LRlower left/lower right VLHvery lightly hinged
LPline pair (guide line pair) w/;w/owith;without
lrglarge wmkwatermark
   WPHWeb Photo